
The main error type in Decent is decent.error.Error. It contains an error message as a description of the validation failure and a path list pointing to the erroneous field.

A subclass of Error called decent.error.Invalid can contain multiple errors. If you’re working with schemas, you’ll probably want to catch this error.

Error paths

The path field of an error is a list of nodes leading to the erroneous field. For example, a validation error on a field called password inside a user schema would have a path of ['user', 'field'].

Error paths are typically populated automatically. For example, decent.schema.Schema automatically sets error paths for raised errors. Likewise, the built-in decent.validators.List() validator will prepend list indexes to all raised errors.

Overriding messages

You can use the built-in decent.validators.Msg() helper to override the error messages raised by any validator. For example:

password_validator = Msg(
    "Pick a passwords with 10 characters or more to be safe."

Many built-in validators also have granular arguments for overriding their messages.